How to Convert M4V File to MP4 File on a Mac or PC? mp4 on Mac or Windows computer, you should find the best service you need below, free online or locally.
If you've been looking for a way of converting iTunes. Obviously, that really doesn't have to be. It all seems like the kind of high-tech affair for the conversion of M4V to MP4. How do you convert M4V to MP4 in Mac or Windows and deal with incompatibility issues of the M4V format on non-Apple gadgets like Sony Bravia TV, Android phones, etc.? That's all good for the unprotected M4V, but unfortunately, you can't convert movies and TV shows downloaded through iTunes from M4V to MP4 on Mac or PC by simply changing the file extension-since the iTunes video files are DRM copy-protected using Apple's FairPlay copy protection that they're restricted to be played in iTunes or Finder on a computer and on Apple products. mp4 to accomplish the conversion, and then you'll be able to play the video on almost media players. How to convert M4V to MP4 for Mac and Windows - 4 options